(Social Sciences)
- Japanese Culture
- Introduction to Intercultural Communication
- Introduction to Communication
- Introduction to Economics
- World Regional Geography
- Geography and Contemporary Society
- American Government and Politics
- International Relations
- Issues in International Relations
- Nonviolent Political Solutions
- Survey of Psychology
- Psychology of Adjustment
- Principles of Microeconomics
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- America and the World
数学・科学科目(Mathematics and Science)
- The Natural Environment
- Survey of Mathematics
- Introduction to Statistics
- Biology and Society
- Introduction to Science: Physical
- Environmental Issues
- Basic Algebra
- Precalculus
(Language Arts and Literature)
- Expository Writing
- Research Writing
- Business Writing
- American Literature
- British Literature
- Science Fiction Classics
- Literature of Peace
- The Press and Society
- Newswriting
- Personal and Public Speech
- Performance of Literature
- Elementary Korean
- Elementary Japanese
- Intermediate Japanese
(Arts and Humantities)
- Introduction to the Visual Arts
- Introduction to Painting
- Introduction to Western Art
- Introduction to Eastern Art
- World Civilizations
- Introduction to American History
- Themes in Humanities
- Introduction to Music Literature
- Music in World Cultures
- Chorus
- Introduction to the World's Major Religions
- Critical Thinking
- Survey of Global Art Ⅰ
- Survey of Global Art Ⅱ
(Interdisciplinary and Other Studies)
- Introduction to Fitness
- Pilates
- Introduction to Japanese: Business and Hospitality
- Digital Tools for the Information Age
- Business Internship
- Introduction to Dance
- Judo
- Beginning Yoga
- Freshman Seminar: An Introduction to Higher Education
- Career/Life Exploration and Planning
- Service Learning
- Seminar on Peace Studies
- Sophomore Seminar: The Capstone Course
- Introduction to Computers